Current Statistics and Trends in Ad Fraud

Ad fraud continues to be a major challenge for the digital advertising industry, costing advertisers billions of dollars each year. This article will cover some of the latest statistics and trends related to ad fraud.

Understanding the mechanics of ad fraud and implementing effective ad serving techniques are crucial steps in combating this pervasive issue. By staying informed and proactive, advertisers can better protect their investments and ensure the integrity of their digital marketing efforts.

Scale and Cost of Ad Fraud

The total cost of ad fraud is estimated to reach a staggering $100 billion by the end of 2024, up from $87 billion in 2023. This represents a significant increase in just one year, highlighting the growing severity of the problem. To put this into perspective, 14-15.6% of all ad views are fraudulent, meaning that a substantial portion of advertising budgets is being wasted on fake impressions.

The scale of the issue becomes even more apparent when considering that 38% of web traffic is automated, with 24% being “bad bots” used for fraud. This means that nearly a quarter of all web traffic is potentially malicious, creating a challenging environment for advertisers to navigate. The impact is particularly severe in the APAC region, where 30% of all traffic is coming from bad bots.

Types of Ad Fraud

Attribution theft is becoming increasingly popular among fraudsters due to its lower costs and higher profitability.

This type of fraud involves falsely claiming credit for user actions, such as app installs or purchases, that were actually driven by legitimate advertising efforts. Alongside this, fake news and deep fake scams are on the rise, exploiting the power of AI to create convincing but fraudulent content.

Traditional tactics like click spam, ad stacking, and click injection remain significant threats. These methods artificially inflate click-through rates and impressions, leading to wasted ad spend. The mobile app ecosystem is particularly vulnerable, with 31% of iOS app and 25% of Android app installs being fraudulent. This highlights the need for robust fraud detection mechanisms in mobile advertising.

Perhaps most alarmingly, click fraud rates in search campaigns can range between 14% to 22%, depending on industry and geographic location. This means that the vast majority of advertisers using these platforms are likely experiencing some level of fraudulent activity, potentially skewing their campaign results and wasting their budgets.

Industry Impact

The telecom industry suffers the worst rate of ad fraud, followed closely by the software industry. These sectors are particularly attractive to fraudsters due to their high-value products and services, as well as their reliance on digital advertising channels. However, no industry is immune to the threat of ad fraud.

Click fraud rates are particularly high in certain niche industries. For example, ad fraud statistics show that photography (65%), pest control (62%), and locksmiths (53%) all experience exceptionally high rates of fraudulent clicks. This demonstrates that even smaller, specialized industries need to be vigilant against ad fraud.

The rise of programmatic advertising has inadvertently increased vulnerabilities to ad fraud. While programmatic offers efficiency and scale, its automated nature can be exploited by sophisticated fraudsters who can slip through the cracks of less robust verification systems.

Regional Trends in Ad Fraud

In 2023, India jumped to first place in ad fraud prevalence, while the U.S. dropped to second. This shift underscores the global nature of the ad fraud problem and the need for international cooperation in combating it. Mobile ad fraud is becoming increasingly sophisticated, especially in the APAC region, where the high adoption rate of mobile devices provides a fertile ground for fraudsters.

Awareness and Prevention

Despite the significant impact of ad fraud, many advertisers are still not fully aware of its extent. This lack of awareness can lead to complacency and insufficient protective measures. However, there is a growing recognition of the problem, as evidenced by the ad fraud prevention solutions market growing at a rate of 17.1% annually.

Using accredited partners can dramatically reduce fraud rates from 8.99% to just 0.53%. This highlights the importance of working with reputable ad tech providers and implementing robust verification processes. Multi-level blocking has been identified as the most effective way to mitigate the full range of ad fraud risks, combining various techniques to create a comprehensive defense.

Looking Ahead

Ad fraud rates are expected to continue rising unless comprehensive prevention measures are implemented. The industry is increasingly turning to AI, machine learning, and blockchain solutions to combat fraud. However, it remains an ongoing arms race between fraudsters and prevention efforts.

Advertisers need to stay vigilant, work with accredited partners, and implement robust fraud detection and prevention measures to protect their ad spend and ensure their campaigns reach real human audiences. As the tactics used by fraudsters continue to evolve, the ad tech industry must keep pace with innovative solutions.


Ad fraud statistics are showing some scary numbers but with doing your due diligence when choosing where to run your ads and the tech partner to use. It is one of the many things you can do to reduce the exposure of your ads to fraud. Ad fraud affects many industries in many regions, costing everyone involved millions.