Pepsi mobile-game ad built using Nexd wins awards

Your success is our success, and we love getting to see the creative ways our customers engage with their audiences using the Nexd platform. We’re going to take a moment to brag about one of our customers, Future Tech Media. Last year they partnered with Nexd to build a custom game for Pepsi. They submitted the game to the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)’s MENA awards – and WON!

They are now the proud recipients of the Gold award in Cross Mobile Integration, and a Silver Award in Mobile Gaming & Gamification.

How great is that?!

We are so proud of Future Tech Media, and honored that we could be a part of their success this week! Watch a 3-minute video showcasing their entry of the Pepsi UCL in-app game, and their impressive results.

Intrigued? Give it a try and see how much fun mobile ads can be! To play, touch the horizontal white line to position how far right/left to aim, and then the vertical line to position the height of your kick.

We love getting to help our customers make custom ads and games. If you’re interested in how we can partner to build your next great (and perhaps award-winning!) idea, please reach out! [email protected]

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